Monday, February 16, 2009

ambienic perspecitve (which is apparently a cynical socialism filter)..

The bailout is 800 Billion dollarsish. That seems like a fuck load of money until you put it into perspective... The wealth of the top 25 people in the world is about 800 billion.

25 people could pay for the bailout. lol. it just seems absurd that these people are going to be. The top 1% of the population controls more wealth than the bottom 90% of the population. wow. some people live in mansions and eat caviar off golden plates, some live in cardboard boxes and eat refuse off of the tops of heaving mounds of garbage. I see no problems with the fact that people should be paid for their merit in a capitalistic society... But are these people really worth more to our society. a Teacher that makes 42,000. does work that is 1000000x less skilled or important than anil ambani who has a networth of 42,000,000,000 is he that much better than a teacher

I'm sleepy right now. so i'm going to go to sleep, but i'm going to look at this stuff some more tomorrow because this stuff interests me, I want to see if i can't figure out what kinds of assetts they have, and what they do positive toward their society with their money, and how much they pay in taxes. etc. Before I go look for real data, I'll just say that according to my knowledge (which can be limited in scope) is that Bill Gates gives a shitload of money to the community for aids and some other shits. Warren Buffett I believes gives back a Lot as well. I believe the waltons gave back diddly shit.

1 comment:

faith said...

42000!!! What it would be like? I want to work in that district.