Monday, November 8, 2010

remember remember the fifth of november. the node of ember in the air, the gunpowder on fire


hollow ween. a year of vapid staleness, stalemate,

i rember that quixotic night,

your two eyes shine murderoursly bright.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

tuscany is probably my favorite restaurant.
my favorite musical artist at the moment is lowkey. Listen to alphabet assassin.
Rush Limbaugh's press conference was absurdly laughable.
Watching season finale of burn notice (season 1).
watched a tutorial on photoshop (fuck there's a lot to learn about it).
forgot to take my redbox back. "Extract." was not a fan at all.
read part of "social intelligence" by Daniel Goleman. pretty good read. especially intrigued by the concept of "mirror" neurons.
pretty much sickness free. go me.
push up goal/sit up goal... up to date.
etc. etc.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


enjoyment smile: five distinct markers differentiate the enjoyment smile from other types of smiles: the presence of orbicularis oculi action in conjunction with the zygomatic major (Duchenne's smile), symmetrical action of the zygomatic major on both sides of the face, zygomatic major actions which are smooth and not irregular, duration of zygomatic major action that is consistent from one enjoyment smile to the next, and synchronous action of the zygomatic major and the orbicularis oculi such that they reach maximal contraction at about the same time.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

the old year you knew is gone... happy new year!

I'm sick. nyquill and I are just kind of hanging out... low key, watching burn notice (which i dig) and laying in me bed fit for the husband of a queen. I am going to start writing a lot of blogs. However, they are going to be scattered out over multiple accounts, covering a wide range of topics. I think that I will still have a personal random one (a different address than this probably)... but, in addition, I'm going to have subject focused blogs that are organized, coherent, intelligible etc. This non-sensical staccato style blog has it's place, but in addition i plan... operative word being plan, to write about a whole amalgam of topics. psychology/developments in psychology, music, film, politics, grammar, fashion, and a whole array of different topics. if you have a topic to which you would like me to devote time and energy, let me know... and I will probably do so. New developments with me... I have a couple of new roommates if you were unaware, i have a few girls that are interested in me or vice versa (or both). I'm quite a bit more social, a substantial amount more driven and ambitious, and have learned to live my life with integrity... to myself. I tend to wake up with a kick life's ass mentality daily, and it rarely wanes. I have started to play poker again, despise it as i may... i read a lot of books. my house is always clean, i'm the skinniest i have been since high school. i am much more organized (still far from perfect). I am taking steps to make my life exactly what i want it to be... and I am doing it alone. If you count on someobdy else to accompany you, i've found out you end up just doing a bunch of waiting. I have no faith in humanity, I think that people continually, constantly, and unequivocally fail to rise to my expectations. Despite my lack of faith or respect for most other people, I have more faith, respect, and a sense of promise in myself than ever before. My resolve, unparalleled. I have an unwaivering sense for self-betterment. Be the change you seek. Seek your truest desire, may your desires come from the purest recesses of your brain. be the you that you want to be. Life is a journey to self-discovery. Most take the wrong path and for a long time, a few take a few steps down the right path, but don't continue down it. I hope to haul ass down the right path like a cheetah chasing a gazelle. My new year's resolutions started weeks ago. and thus far, progressed wonderfully. May this new year greet everybody with the most important thing of all; progress. The betterment of others, your self, and the world. You create your reality, not other people. Make it a damn good one. and do it right god-damn now. no excuses. no delay.

new year's kisses to you all ;)

Friday, November 13, 2009

"hi. ate us" some pizza tonight.

i had some people over tonight, we had pizza, it was good. fun times. anyhow, i think i'm done with this blog account for awhile, maybe a sporadic post here and there, but with quite a bit less frequently. not many people read it anyhow, and now I have a more personal, behind the scenes, emotive, revealing, private blog that I write in everyday and is there just for me and nobody else.

sporadic kisses to you all.

Monday, November 2, 2009

hard title for me to come up with.

i want to talk politics, but alas, i shall refrain. I have written more papers for people since I've been out of school than when I was in school... it's an odd phenomenon... but if people want to pay for my talents, so be it :)

i thought this essay on sexual innuendo was pretty funny and intriguing, give it a hard look and really penetrate to the bottom so you come away completely satisfied ;)

Sexual Innuendo is a hard topic to stay on top of. As a humor tool, it stands erect in the English language. While there are no hard and fast rules as to what constitutes sexual innuendo, many people have mass-debated over the topic, and now the general principles at the root of the topic are firm and well-rounded. However, full penetration of the subject requires that the reader take a long, hard look at the target and be a cunning linguist in order to avoid limp phrases and imbibe the phrase with a large handful of meanings. The topic can become hot by attempting to grasp it, and the more one experiments with it, the more interested they become. Also, as the language changes innuendos must change in order to fill the newly created holes and satisfy listeners.

A common problem with sexual innuendo is the recipient being unable to wrap their hands around the intended meaning. In this case, an individual using sexual innuendo will often start slow and eventually build up, increasing depth more and more until the recipient feels the actual thrust of the point and the innuendo climaxes. An innuendo is always the most pleasing when no one sees it coming, often by entering the mind through the rear. Some skilled people are even able to use several sexual innuendos quickly in succession, resulting in multiple innuendo-esque climaxes. Key phrases can grasp the sentence by the ankles and part its long clauses allowing the orator to penetrate the essence of the sentence. In this regard, the key is to avoid stiff, rigid words, for ones that give the meaning of the sentence a firm rise in innuendic possibilities. Some regard sexual innuendo as an art form, and it goes without saying that one needs a certain level of oral skills in order for the fluidic exchange of innuendo to succeed. However, this is not enough to fill the requirements. One needs to pay special attention to the region of the sentence to which the innuendo will enter. For lasting effects, it is most important to enter deep within the recipient's consciousness and to ensure that all of the seeds of humor have flowed forth. This is not an easy task for most people, so it is only through rigorous repetition of the insertion of sexual innuendo that one can fully master the uplifting effects it can have on vocabulary.

On another side note, one must remember that when practicing innuendo to somebody who has heard it for the first time, one must be ready to slowly enter in the tight quarters of the reader's mind, lest risk getting their ideas unpleasantly stuck within the annals of the reader's mind.

Although sexual innuendo requires masterful manipulation of parts of speech (and sometimes the skillful use of body language), for most people it comes quickly.

well, that made me sleepy. i'm going to lay down on my firm pillow, swallow the days' troubles, and come tomorrow, I'll be feeling at the peak of the world.

kisses at the peak.


elections, erections, and the big "o+"

October 5th is the most common birthday in the us (consequently, that would put conception at new year's eve).

I read an obscure hypothesis that blood type correlates to personality. Legend has it that Type A is calm and trustworthy; Type B is creative and excitable; Type AB is thoughtful and emotional; and Type O is a confident leader.
O+ is the most common blood type at 37%
A+ is second with 34%

homosexual men have larger genitalia than heterosexual men on average.
men with more older brother's are more likely to be gay.

51 % of women prefer to have sex with the lights off
27% of men prefer to have sex with the lights off.

harry houdini died on halloween.

halloween was a lot of fun. Thanks Whit and Taylor...

a few key elections coming up... looks grim :( sad face.

if you haven't seen the show community, you should stop what you are doing right now (okay, when my blog is done), and go watch it on the hulu or something.

I miss playing baseball. sad. i want a mini cooper with the steering wheel on the other side.

venus vs mars by jay z is so good... and so is never knew you by cage. listen to them.

i'm not sleepy, but i should be. i'm going to try. ciao

good luck kisses to you all.