Tuesday, March 31, 2009

look at myspace


pics of the festival of colors.

colorful kissses! ciao

ai gee i'm tired...

I break bubbles like aig bitches. I am the best bubble breaker player this side of my condo. my records, unbeatable. if you play bubblebreaker, step up to the challenge. I will play you. you name the stakes and the time and you're on. ;)

I finally took my damn library books back.

my camera is still being kidnapped. I sad. I will give whatever ransom I must. le tear. andrew's birthday yesterday. he's old. I am about to be old. fuck. I think that I will do nothing for my birthday because as sarah noted... I have no friends.

oh well, c'est la vie

I took tomorrow off because I have been feeling very stressed lately. So if any of you want to do anything, maybe get a massage at the ucmt or something. I just antsy and weird for some reason. :s oh well. hopefully some sleep will do me some good.

I want to watch good will hunting. I wish I had it. tear. Cam's birthday is in a few days, i need to not forget. somebody remember to remind me to remind somebody to remember it so they can remind me. alright, I'm going to bailout like a bank. kisses

Sunday, March 29, 2009

too little time, too much ambien

The last three days have been so entirely delightful. I met so many people, did so many fun things. Today is Andrew's birthday. Happy birthday Andrew. Okay, we are going to make this as brief as possible. too much shit has happened to go about it any other way. Thursday. Eighties night. funny story. x'd out of the bar, washed that shit off like a champ, went back in flirted with the bartender and got her number. friday. hung out with angela oh and her friends. mate el higado otra vez. lots of fun etc. etc. saturday. wake up, go to a place called "ganesh" which is an indian restaurant that has a daily buffet, and it is tasty. yum. Not only tasty, it is a southern indian restaurant (most all indian restaurants are not southern indian) and therefore, this restaurant has a much larger share of vegetarian items. double yay. I highly recommend it. It will please your palate. went with whit and my brother and sister in law. then, finish at 3 ish. call angela larson, tell her she has twenty minutes to get ready, she is going with andrew and me to get crazy. pick her up 36 minutes later. oops, I was off in my estimate by 16 minutes. that makes me a liar. sad. we go, we drop whit off at her casa, go pick up andrew, and put on clothes that we plan on never wearing again after that day. We drive to spanish fork (I think Salem technically). It is ape shit crazy. i crowd surf, get painted during chalk wars, jump up and down to a rockin harry krishna band ;) watch people throw their shoes, dance, throw chalk, get crazy etc. etc. no words can do this festval justice, so I won't even try. when I get my kidnapped camera back, you guys can see the absolue craziness of it. I looked like a jackson pollock canvas if he had thirty cups of coffee and an eight ball of coke before he started painting. so did andrew. so did angela. met tons of cool people blah blah blah. just look at the pictures when i get them or google "festival of colors utah" or something like that and look at some photos. we leave the festival at 7:45, I am supposed to meet brit at fiddler's elbow at five. obviously, I am right on schedule. traffic eats an enormous elephant erection and it takes us an hour to get homeish. drop angela off at her friend's house. and now we have no time to go change because like I always say, you can be four and a half hours late, but five is just absolutely unthinkably rude. So we go, looking like we dry humped bozo the clown for a week straight. my face at this point is pink, blue, green, orange, yellow, and perhaps a few other colors. my clothes. the same. we look absolutely ridiculous. Go to the bar see brit and chad; two of my favorite people, and preceed to mata the higado again. brit gets a little too inebriated, but that's a whole other story. we... Meaning andrew and me. look like smurfs through the eyes of somebody on acid... but we have a great time, meet two of the bartender girls there, then go back to their house and hang out with them til like 5 am. still painted like brave heart if the costume designer had been blind. my camera is still being held ransom. and these girls were awesome, despite the one being a thief :p
that is the short story, the lenghty stories are much much crazier, detailed, and full of hilarity. and that's not even getting into the vegas trip I got back from a week ago which was equally insane. Life has been very fun lately. I love it. It's been a colourful couple of days too... literally ;)
embrace the colors of life. tis a beautiful thing. maybe, if i have more time, and less ambien, I will tell these stories, and the epic vegas story in all their glamour and glory. Unfortunately, or fortunately for those that don't like to read novels, today is not that day.

chalky krishna kisses.
night night sleep tight, lane is cute. the end :)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

poems... if you can call them that. y viva las vegas!


your lips tick like timebombs.
your lipstick like napalm.
blood that burns like gasoline
they're no match for mine

your reflection in the water

it's simply too complex to get into here.
your narcissistic complex, your simple mind.


Let's rewind. You were fast, you were forward,
in hot pursuit of my cold heart.
I told you from the beginning it would end
You can't finish what I never start


ineffectively effective,
your kiss a sugar pill.
but I can taste the sweetness
on my lips.

I leave to Las Vegas shortly. Three cheers.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

meack (the sound a duck and cat make while mating)


go there.

I was supposed to go to vegas a couple of days ago. I didn't, apparently my cerebral calendar is shit. I swear my father said this weekend, but apparently it's the next... So, I am scheduled to depart thursday, come home sunday or monday. try not to weep too much in my absence ;) I believe two weeks after that I am going to vegas as well... though, plans with my father and vegas are fleeting at best... so we'll see :)

I realize this blog is riveting my apologies. it's late and I'm studying chinese and such. but to those of you that I love. I love you. To those that I don't, better luck next time. kiss kiss. i'm cute as a button fly as a zipper ;)


Sunday, March 15, 2009

if you aren't a selfish douche, you'll contact me...

today. le shit of a day. 6k 12s 2a if that means anything to anybody. I study chinese 2 hours a day or so, and it has gotten to be pheonomenal, I plan on moving somewhere to utilize my skills. I also want to develop a non profit organization that deals with substance abuse and suicide risk... it has been a field that has recently tugged at my heart strings, and I want to do everything that I can to make a difference in those people's lives. I have recently become hardcore, and I try not to waste one second of my life. every free moment is spent trying to better my self or the less fortunate or both. if you want to get involved and make a difference, let me know.. I can assure you that there aren't many more fulfilling things in the world. unless you're dumb of course. make a difference, change people's lives, hit me up if you need suggestions... 801 512 7188. changing the world, kicking ass and such. just hit me up. one, two, or a group at a time, we shall make a mo/fucking difference. kisses. ps, i'm pretty. love you all.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

toe, meet dumbbell. dumbbell, meet toe.

today was a good day. A good day on a bad day, and that makes me happy. To me, there is no greater feeling in life, than when you have a confluence of bad events occur, and you have the positivity and mindstate that still leaves you in a good mood. The world metaphorically shit on me today, and I couldn't be in a better mood. Not big shits, just little shits... but the kind that usually add up and make your day something out of a Judith Viorst book... but still, I'm in a lovely mood. alarm doesn't go off, I wake up 6 minutes before I have to leave... no worries. I don't have time to comb my hair. I don't eat, my stomach growls throughout the day... no worries. I stub my toe on a dumbbell, I get locked out of my house... no worries. I find out the tivo stopped 40 minutes through the episode of house, my ipod adapter for my car breaks... no worries. etc. etc.

on a side note, i was reading about sleight of mouth techniques today. very interesting. on a side side note, I am going to vegas friday. I think we are going to run my car in the quarter mile. That's exciting. I'll have a gay old time in vegas. hip hip debauchery! so now, I plan to stare at the back of my eyelids until my motor coordination is inhibited, and my neural network randomly fires to produce vivid and somewhat incoherent experiences... aka, I'm going to sleep. hugs.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

wo xiang shui jao. hen nan.

Wendover equaled great success. good times. Whitney, bring my mom her pan back or she's going to punch you in the eye :/

Congratulations to Robert on having his baby (Dezmond). The little feller has the best godfather in the world, aka me. he kul. :)

i'm not sleepy. I wish I was le sigh... I believe that i'll listen to some chinese and go to sleep. wo xihuan shui jao.