Monday, December 8, 2008

disappointed about being sad about being tired.

I read a lot about internal locus of control today. as well as meta-states. and though I believe they are insanely helpful things to know that may just change your life, I don't think that my current state of mind could give it enough attention. I'll skim the surface. internal locus of control ICOL in contrast to external locus of control ECOL. pretty much means whether you think you are the reason for your life ending up the way it does. ECOL means you blame others, claim how hard you've had it, complain about situations and events that happen to you. Internal locus of control, takes responsibility for their actions, if something bad happens, they do whatever they can to make the situation intrinsically controlled. Be ICOL. it'll make your life 1000x better. meta states has to do with the way we process emotions. It is very common for emotions to be manifested in a complex way. Instead of feeling just one negative emotion, we usually feel emotions about emotions, which convulutes them and makes them more difficult to deal with. For example, a lot of people will experience jealousy and then they will feel angry that they felt jealous, and maybe even disappointment that they felt angry about feeling jealous. when you intertwine these negative feelings, you strengthen them and lessen your ability to deal with them. One solution I read about is to wrap all of those negativce emotions in a positive emotion, for example feel curious that you are sad that you are angry that you are jealous. being curious wrapping the negative emotions in this "positive emotion" is very effective at dealing with the feelings. conversely wrapping positive emotions in other positive emotions is one of the best ways to ensure happiness and to make yourself more successful. that is an extremely cursory run down of some powerful things. I love learning about things like that :) sorry I can't articulate them but my brain is sleeping :) nyquill sure gives you some vivid dreams. :S

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