Sunday, September 27, 2009

oh the gall... part two. hyperflinks are a chink in my armor.

my mother, like me, just had a "cholecystectomy, She is currently convaslescing nicely. Her surgery went a lot better than mine (thank god). In a bit of pain, but she is doing pretty well, and should be back to semi-normal very soon. I ordered a "light box, today. It should be here friday. That excites me greatly. I am curious how it will effect me. I'm convinced that I have a condition called "delayed sleep phase syndrome., and i pray that this helps me. It gets here friday. more news to come I'm sure. Today I was just trying to teach myself a little bit of html code, and hyper links and such. I hope that it worked out well. if not. apologies. Tomorrow, i have a list of tasks to do. fill ambien, buy chucks, go to the bank, etc. etc. i need to remember those. Whit, I am excited for my true religion jeans. you are the best. it is 1:22. that means it is time to take my final remaining half pill of ambien. Oh. caveat. If I ever helped you in any way, small, big, whatever. don't forget about me. I need some help of my own, and it seems that everyone i have helped have moved on and aren't there to help me, despite how much I need it. Who knew this would be a sad blog. it was supposed to be a "hyper" text email. tis all. I'm eligible for an upgraded phone. any suggestions anbyody? probably through t mobile... and I can't text on a touch screen because I shake too much. and of you close to my mom, call her, check in on her. she's a lovely lady, and deserves to know that people care about her and such. Wrote a paper for school tonight. miss school. i wish to go back. i probably won't. i need a 9-5 job i need structure, and i need a social network. I think i'm giving my social life until january first, and if not. mail order bride. I have been looking into \ mail order brides, and I think that if by the end of the year something doesn't change, I'm going to make that happen. I'm going to go watch ambien and take a house.

dyslexic kisses to you all.



Whit said...

here is the site sir... take a look. let's do some shopping!!!

Anonymous said...

thanks whit. and for the record. i meant affect in there people's

The Deviny's said...

I'll send your momma a get well card right now!
I once dated this guy who had a mail order step mother. She was pretty awesome. She cooked a lot of fish though, and I don't like fish