Tuesday, June 16, 2009

alas, I can spread my wings and fly. (ps. this title is clever if you speak spanish)

The competition is over. I have emerged from my cocoon of social isolation, and I am a baby butterfly eager to flap his wings. The amount of ambition, drive, and optimism I have is unparalleled. I only hope that some of you will join in my unbridled enthusiasm for life. I plan on doing lots of stuff in the upcoming months. I want to try any and everything, and live life to it's fullest. Anyone who wishes to accompany me, do it. If you have any ideas about kick ass things I should do in the next few months, please, feel free to share them with me.
etc. etc. you get the point.

the competition went lovely, it proved to me that I am a tenacious, dedicated individual, and I am proud of what I accomplished. I'm lucky to be able to make so much money for doing something as silly as playing poker. I consider myself one of the most fortunate people alive.

I'm still kind of lonely. It's frustrating feeling so optimistic about life but having nobody to share it with. This too shall pass I assume, but in the meantime, it's frustrating. Instead of it getting me down or deterring me though, I use it as motivation to make myself the absolute best person I can be... and I am so enthusiastic about the direction my life appears to be moving in. I've had a lot of interesting experiences lately, but i unfortunately do not have the time to go in to them at length. one of my best friends (from the time I was 5 or so) got married just over a week ago. It was fantastic to see him so happy and to be there for that moment in his life. Brought a tear to my eye... literally. Sentimental old chap I am. I received the Tao a couple of days ago. So, I am officially a Taoist. That's kind of cool :) The ceremony was very interesting, pretty, and an overall great experience.

life is beautiful.

I'm so excited to be done with the poker competition and have shitloads of free time :D So So So, excited.


it's a quarter past sleepy time, and I hate not being punctual ;)

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Loaded with cash and ready for fun? If I think of anything to spend our time doing- we shall do it together.