Friday, May 29, 2009

the details are grizzly... bare with me

I want to cover you in ants, bees, and honey.

I love the new song dirt room by blue october. I've always been a big fan of theirs I encourage others to be the same.

Oh, I don't remember where I saw my eyeliner last, but seeing that video made me wish to rock the eyeliner occasionally just for giggles and shits. whit, lauren, somebody, remind me to buy some and make you put it on me :p

I am sleepy couple weeks and the competition is done. hells to the yeah. then my life changes. drastically. pray and cross your fingers you make the cut kids. My life is about to get amped up a notch. and to those of you that wish to have a more fantastic life. Get the fuck on board. Life is beautiful. Live it as such. I shall be volunteering, travelling, and doing any exciting thing i can come in contact with... One qualm, i invite everybody anywhere i go, that love is never reciprocated. My invites will stop. I'm about to stand up for myself. There's a few that text me, but seriously... have some common courtesy, or don't call me your friend. The end. I am sick sick sick of always inviting people places, but nobody inviting me places. Don't be fuckers. Be nice. Being a fucker is stupid. I have no place for fuckers or stupids in my life. Be nice. that's what friendship is about.

soccer game at the park soon
softball game soon as well
trip to arches, zions, etc,
trip to vegas, trip to new york
volunteer experiences

all open to the public. I am going to start organizing shit and making my life unbelievable. those that want in. get in now, or you'll be left behind at the bus stop.

I will be going through my phone and deleting people, I have no room for unreciprocative, unthankful people. Some of you shouldn't be worried about making the cut. If you are, stop being a cunt, and you'll probably make the cut. Friends are an amazing thing.... if you have amazing friends... and that's what I'm setting out to do in two weeks, if you want on board... hop on... if not, get the fuck off the boat :)

stagnation, procrastination, are the castration of life.

end them.

don't be a complacent, self-centered ingrate, let's get off our asses and take the world by storm.

*end rant*

1 comment:

The Deviny's said...

I'll let you volunteer cleaning my house when the little tyke comes! I know I'm so generous =)
You better be around when I have's a God Fathers duty ya know!
People just don't understand what a privilege it is to be your friend!
Derek starts working nights soon, so if you ever need someone to go to lunch with you let me know =)